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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Nexpart Upgrade Required for Mitchell 1 Users

Posted on: May 10th, 2024

ATTENTION: We will soon be discontinuing support for the classic Nexpart Catalog within Mitchell 1’s Manager SE / ShopKey Shop Management system

Upgrading to the new Nexpart catalog is essential for maintaining seamless connections with your vendors, ​​as we will soon be discontinuing support for the classic Nexpart Catalog in Manager SE / ShopKey Shop Management.

To ensure minimal disruption to your business operations, we’re offering multiple options to complete the upgrade including the option to receive personal assistance from our team members to help ease your switch to the new Nexpart catalog and connect your vendors in Manager SE / ShopKey Shop Management quickly.

Why Upgrade?

The new Nexpart catalog isn’t just a cosmetic change—it’s an upgrade that enhances your entire parts procurement process. With improved functionality and compatibility, the new catalog ensures seamless communication with your Nexpart vendors, reducing the risk of any loss of connection.

Let us help guide you through the process of upgrading your Nexpart catalog seamlessly, ensuring you can continue to access all the benefits Nexpart has to offer without interrupting your business.

How to Upgrade:

    1. Self-Serve Option: If you’re comfortable with technology and prefer a DIY approach, you can follow our step-by-step instructions to manually complete the catalog and vendor upgrade process.
    2. Assisted Option: Need a helping hand? No problem! Simply fill out the request assistance form and one of our experienced team members will contact you at your convenience to guide you through the upgrade process, and address any questions or concerns you have.
    3. Upgrade to Multi-Seller:  Bypass the individual catalog updates and sign up for a FREE Multi-Seller account. Watch this video to configure Multi-Seller with  Manager SE / ShopKey Shop Management once you have set up Multi-Seller and connected your vendors.

IMPORTANT: If you have existing parts in your inventory you will need to update the vendor once the switch is complete Click Here for Instructions.

Unlock the Power of Multi-Seller

This is also your chance to unlock the power of Multi-Seller—a game-changer in the world of parts procurement. By signing up for Multi-Seller, you can bypass individual catalog updates and seamlessly connect with all your vendors in one centralized platform.

With Multi-Seller, you’ll enjoy:

Don’t let outdated technology hold you back. Sign up for Multi-Seller today and experience the difference it can make in your parts procurement process. With smoother connections, enhanced functionality, and the power of Multi-Seller at your fingertips, you’ll be equipped to tackle your procurement needs with confidence and efficiency. 

Check out this video for more on the benefits of Multi-Seller!